
We would love to provide you with a price list; unfortunately, every house is different and standard pricing is not possible.

We provide free estimates. Simply provide us with the address and lock box code on the property and we will send pricing within 24-48 hours.


General Pricing Information


Our prices are based on the size of the house, number of rooms we stage and the price point of the property.

We offer an all inclusive initial set up fee. This initial set up covers all your design, delivery, installation, and removal fees plus the 2 month staging rental.

You are not prepaying for the 2 months.

Including a 2 month rental as opposed to 1 has proven very comfortable with our clients over the last 10 years. This gives you time to get an offer, work up a contract and get through inspection and appraisal without worrying about whether or not to keep the staging in place for another month.

It is not rare or often that properties need to be staged more than 2 months, it simply happens. So, we offer a low monthly rental rate for any additional time you may need. This monthly rental is proratable by the day if needed.

As mentioned, every house is different. However, our initial set up fee averages anywhere from 0.25% to 0.50% of the list price of the property.

If you need more than 2 months the rental rate averages about 1/3 of the initial set up fee. Again, we can prorate the monthly rental by the day if needed.

We look forward to working with you and we appreciate your business!

